November 28, 2006

very lucky.

there is so very much to say so i really just haven't written i guess. i don't know where to begin.

i guess i'll start with the topamax, peeing out of my butt, my appetite, and 101 pounds.

the topamax has killed my appetite, caused me to pee out of my butt, and i've lost 11 pounds in the past two weeks. besides that... it has fatigue listed as one of the main side effects and i'm sure the not eating and the dehydration isn't helping to fight that. it is supposed to pass as my body adjusts tho' so i'm waiting it out.

the bad part is... i'm really enjoying the weight loss probably a whole lot more than i'm supposed to. the only part i'm really not enjoying is being tired. so i've talked to one of my teammates who is a runner and asked her about energy boosters and she suggested emergen-c, gu, and bananas. so that's what i'm doing. oh, and i'm also eating... which i wasn't doing before.

then i called my friend in san francisco who told me to do high rep low weight training to build strength but not put on weight. this will keep my anxiety about my weight at a minimum while keeping me strong for derby and life. i will still do the hour of cardio which will keep my heart rate up and my metabolism up which will make me hungry i think. this is a good thing, yes?

problem one solved.

on to problem two.

the topamax is not conducive to alcohol, which i learned the hard way last wednesday (the day before thanksgiving). my team went out for a celebratory dinner since we won our last bout and are now in the championship for the trophy and title in this year's final next month. yay us!

for the past few weeks i've been upping my dosage every week per my doc's instruction until i reach my 100mg dosage this wednesday (tomorrow). well, last wednesday was an uppage day... then we went out drinking. see where i'm going with this...

i met my brother out for 1 drink... ended up having 2. picked up two teammates and headed over to the mexican restaurant for dinner. had 2 margaritas with dinner. went to the next spot. had 1 drink. the tally is now at 5.

i am drunk at this point but still lucid enough and yes, still driving. yikes.

on to the final destination and with no plans for further driving. should have handed off my keys at this point. didn't.

proceed to have 1 more drink. it gets spilled by the bartender (a friend) who then buys me a shot as an apology. i see my phone is about to die so i go out to my car to plug it in. i get a few text messages so i sit in my car for a few moments... keep in mind i did a shot just before i walked out the door. as i'm sitting out there texting away...

next thing i know i'm sitting on the side of the road and my tire looks like this:

i'm bawling and i'm not exactly sure where i am. i'm on the phone with my husband trying to tell him where i am. i figure it out and he says he's going to come get me. mind you... it is only about 12:30am at this point in time. still really early and i'm wasted and had blacked out.

apparently, as i was waiting for my other friends to arrive at the bar i called my husband from the car and said (about a million times over) "i wanna come home" to which he replied "ok, call a cab." to which i replied "ok". then i guess i hung up and drove away.

my friends then called me and i was in hysterics and babbling something about husband being SO mad at me and then they came to get me too. i started screaming at husband and then at my bff m and they told me later that they've never seen me like that before. they were shocked by my behavior.

i don't remember most of it.

i had my car towed on thanksgiving morning... thank god for AAA!

on friday i got a new rim and tire for $160 bucks. i will now be handing my keys off when i'm sober or not driving at all. i'm so glad i didn't hurt someone. i'm very lucky.

giggle-more at 11:46 AM


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