February 28, 2007

updates, updates, everyone loves updates!

where do i begin? well, i got a job. i started last thursday. i love the people. i love the business (advertising agency). i like what i'm doing. i hope that they hire me on.

currently i'm a temp.

derby is lovely. we had our awards banquet last friday and i won the award for "Your Mom Wins Awards... basically best shit talker. oh yeah...

i'll post a picture in a hot minute... i'm currently at work. yay! the pic will have to wait until i get home... or you can see all of the pictures that were taken that evening if you go here. the one of me is in there too. then i guess i don't have to post it after all.

last thursday was also the day that my dog peter decided it'd be a good idea to take a bite out of crime. the crime being luda trying to eat kid2's leftover chinese food. you see, there is a hierarchy in our house. peter is king and the other dogs are not. there was only one bite, which i suspect was more of a barking type chomping motion and luda's head got in the way, but one bite is enough when one dog is 80 pounds and the other is 25 pounds. luda came out of the mess with a scrape above his right eye, a small puncture in his cheek and his two front teeth are no longer facing down like they should be. instead they are facing forward. straight out like two of cupid's arrows pointing in whichever direction his face is looking. poor thing. his lip is being poked by his two front teeth. two days ago he was chasing after his ball and he ran into the tv and punctured his lip with one of the offending incisors. this resulted in a high pitched yelp, his running to me, jumping on my lap, and laying his head on my chest. if he were a 2 year old child instead of a 2 year old dog he would have been hugging me and in my arms. he was, in fact, still in my arms with the way that he snuggled up to me he might as well have been a 2 year old child and not a dog. the poor little guy.

so last night i had to take him to the vet and leave him there. it was heart wrenching. he's never been apart from me for something like this. i felt terrible leaving him there. i hope he didn't think that i was abandoning him. he's got such separation anxiety as it is... i hope he doesn't think that i've left him there. anyway... i had to leave him at the vet last night so that bright and early this morning they could sedate him and rip our the offending little lip stabbers that were once his helpful little teeth. now my little baby boy is going to have a weird gap where his cute little teeth used to be. more character i suppose.

i'll have to get a picture somehow once he's healed.

damn peter.

so i suppose you're wondering what we're doing about peter? well, peter is on steroids for his allergies and has been for about 5+ years. we think that this is where the aggression is coming from in combination with the death of his mother (indoe) last august since this is when he started to get all agro in the first place. so he's got a vet appointment on saturday to get off the roids and on a different medication that will hopefully alleviate the agro tendencies, still control the allergies, and keep me from having to make the horrible decision of having to put him to sleep. we'll see how it goes.

that, in a nutshell, is what's going on in my life. there's more but it's deeper and more painful and i really don't want to talk about it so i'm not going to right now. i will say that therapy is working wonders, my meds saved my life, and i'm a very lucky lady.

giggle-more at 8:43 AM


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