January 07, 2007

you go eat a fucking sandwich

i am sick and tired of everyone talking about my weight. it is fine. i think that if there were something terribly wrong my family would have something to say. i think if there were a problem... my husband and brother would be the first to voice their distress. neither has said a word.

neither my husband nor my brother is quiet about these things.

i am sick and tired of it. sheesh...

i don't want to guess at why the particular women who are hassling me about my weight are doing the hassling.. but i suspect it isn't because they are concerned about my well-being. i am working out. i am eating a whole lot healthier than i was before. i have cut out a lot of the candy and sweets and munching i was doing before... it's made a difference. the medication was simply the catalyst to get my motivation and ass in gear.

derby is full of all shapes and sizes and we do not discriminate against anyone. admittedly, most of the women are larger than your average bear. that's what makes a good blocker in most cases. i am a whole lot smaller than most of the women on the league... even when i was 17 pounds heavier.

it is getting really old... all the sandwich jokes... really fucking old.

speaking of 17 pounds heavier... one of the girls that i went to vegas with in july sent me a picture and posted it on my myspace from when we were there with a caption that read "the right sized woman."

quite frankly... i think i look fat in the picture. it grosses me out. gluttonous... in fact.

i like that i can see my abdominal muscles. i like that i work hard to see them. i like that i can see definition in my legs... i like that my body isn't bulging over my pants like it was in july when i wasn't working out but i was silently kicking myself about being lazy and slovenly. i like that i feel better.

what the hell is so wrong with that? what is wrong with being thin? there are so many other women walking around that are just as thin as i am and no one is saying a damn thing to them or urging them to eat a damn sandwich... fuckers.

oh... by the by... thanks to mixedup i got a different set of comments and they now work. so knock your socks off...

giggle-more at 5:11 PM


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