November 17, 2006

topamax and fatigue is not conducive to derby

i had a doctor appointment 2 days ago. he switched my preventative headache medication from the nortriptyline to topamax. one of the side effects of the topamax is fatigue. this is not a good thing. of course, i'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

i hadn't noticed any fatigue when taking the meds...

.until practice last night.

holy shit. it was so incredibly difficult to skate last night i couldn't believe it. i have never in my life had such a hard time skating... i have never been so exhausted. we started out with a laps drill. we do this drill where we start out in two groups and then we take turns on the track doing the laps. we start with one group doing 2 laps and then the next group doing 2 laps and so on... we do the laps as fast as we can.

incidentally, it takes me 9 seconds to go around the track... that's how fast my fastest lap is

here's a diagram of the track for reference:

so anyway... back to the laps... we start off with 2 and then it goes 3/4/5/5/5/4/3/2 for a total of 33 laps as fast as we can go. not to mention that my captain was telling me to try and lap the slowest person on the track (since i was the fastest) which was absolutely impossible... then we scrimmaged for the rest of the practice. about 1 1/2 or 2 hours. the first time i was jamming i couldn't believe how exhausted i was. i seriously have never been so tired and i couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with me.

then i realized that maybe just maybe the drug's side effects were taking effect. which sucks.

it was a good practice but a very difficult one. i have to change how i take the meds tho' so that i don't have this problem on sunday when we have our bout. it would truly suck if i was fatigued and exhausted during the semi-finals...

giggle-more at 12:14 PM


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