October 23, 2006

case of the mondays

my 4 year old had a trip to the pumpkin farm today. he was supposed to be at school at 9am. he's in the afternoon 4k and doesn't normally go to school until noon. i totally forgot about the pumpkin farm.

at about 9:15am i heard someone talking on the answering machine. i recognized the voice as belonging to the secretary at the school. i didn't hear what she said and i just laid back down. then my cell phone rang.

it was the school.

i answered and the secretary asked me if kid2 was coming to school today. i said yes. she then informed me that the bus was just about to leave.

i freaked out.

i ran upstairs and woke kid2 up. i was rushing him and he was upset. it was a mini nightmare. i yelled for husband to make him a lunch and we proceeded to do the bathroom stuff.

we ran out the door, got in the car, and drove to the school. thankfully it's only 5 or so blocks away.

as i pull up the busses are leaving! i drive after them and am stuck behind an excruciatingly slow sunday driver. she finally turns and is out of my way. i speed up and start honking madly. finally someone in the back of the bus notices me and the bus stops.

i stop dead in the middle of the street, throw the car in park, and make a mad dash (kid2 in tow) towards the bus. his teacher gets off the bus and all has been righted with the world.

and that... was my morning.

the rest of today i did absolutely nothing but lay in bed with my husband. seriously. all day.

sometimes it is really nice to have no obligations and no reason to get out of one's pjs. today was one of those lovely days.

yesterday we had practice. i have to say... my team... fucking awesome! we scrimmaged the team we're not playing in the bout this weekend and even playing half-assed we still won. no one wants to get hurt the week of a bout so we only play at about 75% when we scrimmage. i love roller derby.

then last night i joined several of my teammates and league mates on a trip to a haunted house. the haunted house was pretty damn lame... lots of laughing over all. i had a great time tho'... the bus ride to and from the haunted house was more fun than the haunted house itself. i really expected to be more scared. maybe it was because i was kinda drunk. who knows.

i am so glad i joined derby. i have made priceless friendships and love playing. it is one of the biggest joys in my life. it is the only thing i do just for me. it is awesome!

i am in such a great place in my life. i feel like anything is possible and there is no limit to what my life can be. perfectly happy and so very glad about that. i didn't think that shit was possible. now i know the truth.

giggle-more at 9:32 PM


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